Monday, September 17, 2012

She looks like she wants to go all Krav Maga

Route 21 is rolling heavy this morning.  School's back in so all the college students are hauling their tired butts back on the bus. This morning this bus has more butts than seats.

Since I was a kid I was taught to give up my seat to a lady, but the ladies on Route 21 are not always easy to spot.  Most are camouflaged.  Hidden by ink, spikes, denim, or gold colored metal.  If that's not enough they hide behind scowls that give you the feeling that they'd just as soon go all Krav Mega on you as look at you.

I have a lot of reasons not to give up my seat to the ladies on route 21.  I'm probably one of the few paying full fare, because I'm either too young or too old for a discount. Odds are I'm subsidising their education and the bus ride to it.  These ladies are strong, and certainly don't need my seat. 

I think of all these reasons as I rise and grab the overhead bar.  Hopefully it won't be the only time today she is treated like a lady.

I'll see you on Route 21.


  1. The final test of a gentleman is his respect for those who can be of no possible service to him.
    -William Lyon Phelps

    I think this quote would be even better if it said "for those who (he thinks) can be of no possible service to him" because you may be surprised how and by whom you are serviced. As long as your legs allow you to stand, stand proudly and graciously.

    With love.

    1. Thanks Christine! I will. Lord willing for many more birthdays!
